Hello, I'm Josue

Software engineer with a creative approach and strong technical skills. I love pushing the boundaries of innovation and developing efficient solutions for complex problems. With my experience in software design, development, and maintenance, I can transform concepts and ideas into concrete and functional products.

Technical Skills

AWS Practitioner Certification

Node Js











Work Experience

Software Engineer / Siccob Solution

Agust 2021 - Agust 2023

Got the job one week before starting my degree.

  • Developing with a team software engineers systems for one of the largest cinema chains and other important companys.
  • Developed an inventory system manager for cinemas and its national staff.
  • JavaScript, React Js, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and MySQL.
  • Implemented agile Scrum methodology for project development.
  • Actively participated in sprint planning, retrospectives, and review meetings in an agile development environment.
  • Integrated MySQL databases for data storage and retrieval.

AWS Trainee / XalDigital

December 2023 -

  • AWS Certificate Practitioner.
  • Learning about AWS from solution architects.




For the expansion of a local business to a national level, allowing the client to grow economically and reach more people. Focusing on the security and reliability of online transactions. Customers can make their purchases by categories, filter searches, and obtain detailed information about each item.


Web Praking Administrator

Simplify the organization, booking, and payment processes for a highly busy parking lot with our comprehensive web-based solution. The platform is designed to streamline parking operations, enhance customer experience, and optimize revenue generation.


Exercise App

That allows users to make reservations for exercise classes, as well as upload classes categorized by schedule, duration, and subscription options. Offers a seamless experience for users to browse and select from a variety of exercise classes. Whether it's yoga, cardio, strength training, or any other type of fitness activity.

Contact with me!